The Mess Express The Mess Express

Leadership and Positivity in the Digital Space: Why It Matters

The gaming community has experienced significant growth in recent years. Unfortunately, alongside this growth emerges an underlying toxicity that impacts users in various digital spaces. It manifests itself in various forms, from passive-aggressive comments to outright harassment. It's an issue that we all acknowledge and recognize as detrimental, but concerted efforts to eradicate toxicity remain limited. However, rather than simply bystanding this reality, we can actively work together to change it for the better. To create a more inclusive and supportive environment, it is crucial that we all take on a leadership role in promoting positive change.

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The Mess Express The Mess Express

The Start of a Journey

Welcome to the new Mess Express blog! Super excited to share knowledge on growth, empowerment, and leadership within the world of Twitch and online communities! We’ll dive into specific leadership tactics and techniques, self-improvement, and how we can use our influence to uplift others and make a positive impact on the world.

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