About The Mess Express

Growing up, I never played video games. They never seemed interesting, and I was raised with the impression that all video games were violent or caused violence. In high school, I would hear about people playing videos games and watching other people play video games. I didn’t understand how you could enjoy watching someone else play a video game when you aren’t even playing the game yourself! I was so far removed from the video game world.

On Halloween 2018, a YouTuber I follow tweeted saying he was playing some spooky games on Twitch. Out of curiosity, I went to Twitch for the first time and saw that this YouTuber was playing Limbo, a puzzle-like game. After watching and listing to him speak, I started to get frustrated because I was solving the puzzles much faster than he was. So I made an account, the_mess_express, to backseat game him. He only had about 20 people in his chat, so he was able to read every comment. I was instantly hooked! I kept going back to his streams to interact with him and his community. Over the next few months, I became good friends with people in the community and even met some of them in person a few times.

About a year later, I had become close with many online friends. They would often talk about the latest video game news, and I would never understand what they were saying. I wanted to be able to connect with them more and decided to learn about video games! Every Wednesday, I would set up a call with my online friends, and they would teach me the ins and outs of Starcraft 2! My online friends would often tell me that I needed to stream my journey into learning video games. Once COVID hit, my day job was now remote and I finally entered the world of streaming. I designed my streams to be a journey of me becoming a gamer and every game I play on my streams is my first playthrough of that game!

Streaming over the past two years has been such an incredible journey, and I have met some of the most amazing, supportive, and wholesome people! I am so excited to continue on and see where this adventure takes me!